FAQs for IATSE Local 118
2 FAQs to help you.
IATSE Local 118’s dispatch is a service provided to our members and permittees. Our dispatchers are tasked with quickly and efficiently dispatching skilled workers to jobs around the lower mainland. The dispatch service is governed by local policy.
Below are answers to some of the most common questions about how our dispatch service functions.
All 19 FAQs for Dispatch
CallSteward is the dispatching software the local uses, and a completely separate website from iatse118.com. It uses a separate login.
CallSteward allows you to review your schedule, the master calendar, your skills list, and your personal availability.
Work is offered first to qualified members in good standing, in order of seniority, secondly to sister local members, thirdly to permittees. All work offers will come via text message.
Sometimes, you may be eligible for more than one position on a call. Our dispatchers will endeavor to offer you the position with the highest rate and longest hours. Typically, they will offer you show calls first, then load-ins/outs. They will start with head positions, then riggers, assistants, car loaders, and finally grips.
When you receive an offer via text, please respond promptly whether or not you’re interested. Our dispatchers will always respond in the affirmative if you’ve been confirmed for a call. As soon as the dispatcher confirms you, your employer can see your name on their callsheet. Until our dispatchers respond that you are confirmed for a job there is no guarantee of work.
If you’re uncertain, or would like more information about the job please ask! If you’re not interested in the call, say no and move on. Please only accept a job that you are capable of and available for.
Once you have accepted a call, our dispatchers will mark you as unavailable for the duration of that call and not offer you other work that overlaps.
Response time depends on the amount of time before the call begins, and which agreement the call is under:
Civic Theatres, Live Nation, PNE, VSO, VOA, BBC, TUTS, Master Casual, and other
larger scale employers
More than a week out | Less than a week out | Less than two days out |
Three Hours | One Hour | AS-AP |
The Cultch, Arts Club, Gateway, GITD, Carousel, AESC, and other smaller scale
More than two weeks out | More than a week out | Less than a week out | Less than two days out |
Two Hours | One Hour | Thirty Minutes | AS-AP |
If you've missed the response timeframe but are still interested, it's always worth responding anyway. If the position isn't filled yet it is still available to you.
The local works in collaboration with our employers to develop lists of members qualified for certain jobs. Each venue or employer will have lists for heads of each department, assistants, and grips. These lists are what our dispatchers use to effectively dispatch qualified workers.
You can view your current skills on CallSteward by navigating to “My Profile”.
ASAP job offers are given to the quickest qualified responder. These calls usually go out when a last-minute position is added, or when a member must cancel a call for unexpected reasons.
When you get an ASAP offer, please respond promptly, mention how long it would take you to get to work, and await confirmation.
A “Might get to you” means that there are only a couple of members on the list before you. If you indicate that you’re interested in the call, you’ll hear back from dispatch within several hours with an update. This practice allows our dispatcher to work through call lists much faster, getting you potential work offers with much more notice.
When you receive a “Might get to you”, you have the same amount of time to respond as if you had received an actual offer – up to three hours, depending on the date of the call.
Our dispatchers will endeavor to offer you the position with the highest rate and longest hours, however sometimes there may be other available positions on the call. Say you’re offered “High Rigger, or any other open position” and are available, but not interested in rigging. In this case, please ask the dispatcher what else is available. Perhaps you’ve been offered Head Carpenter, but would actually prefer to be a grip electrician. This is your opportunity to make your preferences known. If you want an idea of what else might be available, please check CallSteward.
Please note, we consider offering “or other open positions” an official offer of every other available position on the call.
Send an email to dispatch@iaste118.com, and explain your concerns politely. Our dispatchers will do their best to address your concerns promptly.
Please also CC executive@iatse118.com, as sometimes issues are most efficiently dealt with by the board.
By the nature of our industry, all calls are subject to schedule changes. At any point during or before a call, the amount of work may fluctuate. Please carefully read any updates dispatch sends you in advance, and refer to your crew chief once you’re on the job. Be aware, any job may run long or be cut short.
On rare occasions, a position or entire call may be canceled. This is normally due to things beyond our control, like technical difficulties or changes on the production’s end, shipping logistics, etc. Depending on the agreement you are working under, you may be eligible for a 4 hour minimum if the cancellation was made less than 24 (or sometimes 16) hours before the start of the call.
If your call is canceled, our dispatchers will immediately mark you available for any other work that may come up.
You can cancel a confirmed call until one week before the beginning of the call. If you cancel with less than a week's notice, you're deemed unavailable for the duration of the cancelled call. If you cancel with less than 24 hours notice, in addition to the duration of the canceled call, you are deemed unavailable for a period of 24 hours beginning at the start of the canceled call.
If you need to cancel your call due to an accident, illness, a childcare cancellation, or other emergency please give our dispatchers as much notice as possible.
If you cancel a call for these reasons with less than 24 hours notice, please let our dispatchers and your employer know. Your employers contact information is available on Call Steward under the call's page.
Yes! A Worker may request to change from a confirmed Call to a Call not yet filled if:
- They are eligible for the Call as per the Calling Procedure listed above
- They have not previously declined this Call except in the event of a recall.
- The vacated Call is not within the AS-AP timeframe, unless the requested Call was listed 24 hours or less before the change was requested.
A Worker changing from one Call to another waives any claim to their original Call.
A worker failing to arrive for a call without notifying dispatch or their employer, shall be considered a “no-show”. The worker is expected to re-establish contact with Dispatch, and may provide a reason for their no-show.
- After the first no-show in a 12 month period, the worker will be provided with a warning of the potential ramifications
- After the second time in a 12 month period, they will not be Offered the next individual Call for which they would otherwise be eligible.
- After the third time in a 12 month period, the next three Calls.
- After the fourth time, and each subsequent time in a 12 month period, the next seven Calls.
All communication regarding no-shows shall be between the worker and the Executive Board, not Dispatch. If a worker feels they've been unfairly treated, they can appeal the decision to the board or at a general meeting.
Yes! Go to https://login.callsteward.ca/#/login, and find the button ‘Edit User Profile’, navigate to ‘Availability & Vacation’. Here, you can add dates and times when you aren't available for work. Review the information you have submitted carefully, as you will not be called for work that takes place when you’re marked unavailable.
This is an extremely helpful thing to do, as it saves our dispatchers time, and you the hassle of unnecessary texts.
All the most current Collective Bargaining Agreements with our employers can be found on our website at https://iatse118.com/agreements
The dispatch policy, along with the rest of our policies can be found on our website after logging in at https://iatse118.com/policies
Go to https://login.callsteward.ca/#/login and sign in! Navigate to “My Profile”, and look under “Skillset”. Here, you’ll see all the lists you’ve been qualified for. If you would like to be added to other skill lists, email businessagent@iatse118.com. Some skill lists require validation from employers or references.
Important information about working, what information you need to provide, how you will be paid and more.
All 19 FAQs for New Hires - Before Your First Shift
The primary applicant type must document 400 hours of work with Local 118 in the last 24 months, and obtain references from other members, complete an application and other documents. There are also sign up fees. See the Membership Application Page for all the details.
T4’s are mailed on or before February 28th. Keep in mind, more than one T4 may be issued; employers processing separate payroll will also mail out T4’s. Keep your addresses current with each employer.
Also, check directly within your online CRA personal account for T4s which have been submitted by your employer.
You will receive an email from IATSE 118 Payroll with the subject, ' payroll@iatse118.comIATSE Local 118 Payroll EFT Advice', with a file attachment, which will contain the payment information for the particular call. A couple of our clients still send out cheques by mail, the rest is sent by e-transfer to your bank account.
Some Employers administer their own payroll, Vancouver Opera, Vancouver Symphony, Arts Club Theater, The Cultch. Other Employers utilize the Iatse local 118 Trust account to administer their payroll.
The weekly payroll cut-off period is SUNDAY to SATURDAY, Most events’ payroll is completed weekly and includes work within a Sunday to Saturday cutoff period. Occasionally, for large events or events in Abbotsford, an additional week is required for payroll processing. Our payroll department works diligently to ensure accuracy and timely input please confirm your hours when you sign out with the head carp.
Keep track of your shifts. You are responsible for keeping a log of dates, hours, venue, production, position. Collective Agreements dictate pay rates and vary with each employer and venue. Ask your head carp at the event or ask dispatch. Monitor your paystub for hours and events. Notify the Union (office@iatse118.com) of any discrepancies or omissions.
There is ZERO tolerance for alcohol, drugs, disruptive behaviour, horseplay, sexual harassment, or other disrespectful and unbecoming conduct of any kind! If you experience behaviour that jeopardizes your safety or well‐being you or others at work or you witness an incident report it immediately to the Head Carp or seek immediate First Aid attention then report to the Head Carp.
You must report to the Head Carpenter any & all issues concerning medical or personal nature.
- First Aid is on-site at every event familiarize yourself with their location
- Seek first aid then report to the Head Carpenter.
- Report all potential safety hazards or issues to your supervisor.
- If ever you see something that might be damaged, you may yell 'STOP'.
- A tool talk will happen at the beginning of the shift. Please pay attention and retain important details.
- A positive attitude, strong work ethics are required.
- Be professional and respectful to fellow crew members, employers, and others you encounter on the job. Stay with your department.
- No photo, video, or recording devices allowed during work.
- ASK – If you don’t know or are unsure of something “ask” for instructions never assume.
- Most people on the call have worked in just about every role that you see going on. Its good to appreciate that.
Expect to complete your shift as scheduled. Do not leave your shift early without first receiving permission from the Head Carp/ Crew Chief / Supervisor.
If you are UNABLE to work your shift NOTIFY Dispatch immediately by text allowing as much notice as possible. If you accept a shift then cancel without reasonable notice or fail to report to work your status will be adversely affected and in some cases, you may be deemed unfit to dispatch. IATSE local 118 permits are dispatched according to a graduated database that takes into account other IATSE sister local status, special in-demand skills like lighting or sound console op or high rigging experience, a permit’s work ethic, punctuality, and comportment are very important.
Be ready to begin working when the shift begins. If you are late, or not ready to work at the beginning of your shift, you may be sent home without pay.
Respond to Dispatcher’s call or text as soon as possible. Shifts are filled quickly on a first response basis for permit workers. If you accept a shift, expect to work the duration. Often you may get the option of working longer.
Arrive early – 15 minutes or earlier to complete employment forms and receive instructions. Check‐in with the Head Carpenter, Crew Chief, or Supervisor at the start and end of your shift. This ensures you get paid correctly and that all relevant TD1 tax forms are completed. You can email all forms in advance.
Some venues perform additonal security checks. Be prepared to open your bag for inspection.
All applications are forwarded to dispatch for review for potential call out. Dispatch will call or text the phone number provided on your application based on the skills you indicated on your application that match the job requirements. Keep your skills current and text Dispatch your availability on a weekly or bi‐weekly basis to ensure shifts are continued to be offered.
PPE gear is mandatory on all worksites and includes:
- Helmet (PNE, Coliseum, BC Place, Queen Elizabeth, Abbotsford Centre)
- Hi‐Viz Safety vest (PNE, Coliseum, BC Place, Abbotsford Centre)
- Gloves - always necessary.
- Steel‐toed CSA approved work boots with green triangle - absolutely necessary for all work sites.
- Additional tools as required for the job – Dispatch may be able to forward any information from the employer.
- It is always good to bring the basic hand tool kit including:
- Hammer (mainly for Steel Grip calls).
- Multi Screw Driver (Robertson #7, #8, Phillips #2 and slot bit).
- Small adjustable crescent wrench.
- Pair of Pliers.
- Multi-tool (Leatherman type).
What to wear:
T-shirt and jeans, normally. Consider the weather if the call happens to be outside (PNE).
Show crew attire:
It is not likely that you will be called for a show call for your first shift. In any case, during the performance time of a show, we wear black.
Show Blacks ‐Black shoes, socks, long pants, and long sleeve shirt. Work in the wings and onstage under low light conditions. Should go unseen by the audience.
Corporate Backs ‐ Black shoes, socks, long pants, and long sleeve collared button shirt. Seen but not noticed. Blend into the background. You May be in full view of the audience under full stage light.
Dress Blacks ‐ Black dress shoes, socks, long dress pants, and long sleeve dress shirt, and a blazer. Onstage in front of an audience under full stage light. A requirement when working on a show crew position for the VSO
Fill out the Local 118 skills online form indicating all crafts and tasks you are qualified to perform. Provide copies of Industry-specific certificates and other skill qualifications.
Please as your employer for any specific Employee / Payroll paperwork that is required at their workplace. for Employers that utilize the IATSE Local 118 Trust account you will need to complete the following:
- TD1 – Federal – 2 pgs
- TD1 – Provincial (BC) – 2 pgs
- Direct Deposit – must provide a void cheque or ask your bank for a Direct Deposit printout.
- Emergency Contact form
Email to payroll@iatse118.com or bring a printed copy on the first day and submit them to the Head Carpenter.
Note: There are a limited number of TD1 forms available on the day of sign‐in. Online forms are fillable and can be saved and emailed as a PDF.